Does Your Home Need Skylight Window Replacement in Alaska?
Bay windows, dual pane bedroom windows, garage door windows and skylights—there are many places throughout your home to install windows. Whether you added new skylights in your home or you’ve recently bought a house with dated ones, there may come a time when window glass will need replacement. Let’s take a look at some signs that may point to a need for residential skylight window replacement in Alaska:
- Glass always looks dirty: No matter how much or how often you clean your home’s skylights, there is a constant cloud of dullness and it looks as though the dirt is ground in. But although skylights are installed high up in the ceilings to pop through the roof, you must make a valiant effort to clean and maintain them. This means cleaning the interior side of the glass as well as the side facing outdoor exposure.
- Cracks in the glass: Damage to your home and property occurs in various ways. Backyard wildlife that can fly or climb will drop things on the top of your house, or tree debris may fall from above right onto your sun-welcoming windows. Unfortunately, skylight windows made of glass are bound to chip and crack. But don’t let the possibility of damage sway you from installing such a beautiful energy-saving addition to your home.
- Weather damage: Skylights are typically installed into the ceiling and out through the roof; in other words, they are positioned on a vulnerable part of your home. As such, residential skylights are almost always exposed to both harsh and steady weather—the blazing sun, pounding rain, snow and hail— and changing seasons have a big hand in taking a toll on skylights. From excessive condensation collection to nicks and fading, weather damage may be sufficient cause for skylight window replacement in Alaska.
- Skylight seals are failing: When your windows are coming out of their specialized frames or becoming loosened away from the ceiling or the drywall, you may have failing seals to deal with. Signs to watch for include leaks and drips, drafts entering from above and visible water stains, which might be due to age or time, improper installation or even weather damage. Catch problems with skylight seals early enough and you could save yourself from needing a full window replacement.
- Ineffective solar treatment: Windows that are treated to block out harmful ultraviolet rays are either manufactured directly into window glass or applied as a film over the surface. Depending on the type of material, installation method and quality, solar glass treatments that are ineffective may get you thinking about checking out new skylights for your home.
So, you’ve inspected your skylights and noticed some signs of impending window replacement in Alaska. You don’t want a bigger problem on your hands, like windows failing during a rainstorm and spilling water inside your home. If you have come to the realization that you need to call in the professionals for assistance, give the team at Replacement Glass Co. Inc a call today for all your residential glass replacement needs.
Categorised in: Residential Glass Replacement, Skylight Repair