How Do You Fix a Foggy Sliding Glass Door?
Have you been having issues with fog building up on your sliding glass doors? This is due to condensation, which is typically a result of high humidity levels and temperature differences. When the warmer air inside your home makes contact with the colder air on the surface of the door, this could result in foggy sliding doors in Alaska, or even ice buildup.
It’s beneficial to avoid fog buildup on your sliding glass doors, as these issues could result in mold and mildew problems if left unchecked. Here are some of the steps you can take to resolve the problem.
Address air leaks
In some cases, fog on sliding glass doors could be a result of air leaks. You should carefully inspect the area around the doors (as well as the doors themselves) to identify cracks or damaged seals. Even small cracks or openings could be enough to allow cold air to get through and interact with the warm air to form condensation.
If you do discover cracks or damaged seals, you should use the proper caulks or sealants to repair the problem. If the damage is significant, you may need to completely replace the window glazing to prevent further fogging from occurring.
Adjust drapes
If you have drapes over your sliding glass door, you should keep them open overnight, as keeping them closed could create extra insulation that encourages condensation buildup behind the drapes. Otherwise, if you prefer to keep your drapes closed for privacy reasons, you should consider using lightweight fabrics to reduce problems with moisture as much as possible.
Use dehumidifiers
Another option is to use a dehumidifier in the room in which you have sliding glass doors with moisture problems. Dehumidifiers suck moisture out of the air in rooms in which they’re used. You should close doors to other rooms or sections of your home so the dehumidifier can focus its energy on the room it’s placed in. You’ll get the best results out of a dehumidifier if humidity levels are over 50 percent—if they’re lower than that, you’ll probably need to use other methods to get rid of condensation, as you don’t want the air in your home to get too dry.
Find and address other sources of humidity
There may be other sources of humidity in your home that could be resulting in foggy sliding glass doors. For example, running showers, cooking and drying clothes are all examples of standard household tasks that could result in increased humidity in a given area. Whenever possible, you should place exhaust fans in areas where you’ll be performing these types of chores to help keep humidity levels down and air flowing. These types of fans will use less energy than dehumidifiers, and will also help to remove odors and pollutants.
If you identify other sources of dampness in your home, you should make sure you get rid of those as well, including wet laundry piles, puddles or any other standing water.
For more information about how to deal with foggy sliding glass doors in your Alaska home, contact Replacement Glass today to speak with our glass repair specialists.
Categorised in: Fogged Glass