Blog | Replacement Glass - Part 33

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Everything You Need to Know About Skylight Repair in Alaska

August 11, 2017

Installing a skylight in your roof is one of the better ways you can improve the interior of your home. A skylight can reduce your dependency on electricity by flooding your home with natural light on sunny days. Additionally, natural light makes your home a brighter and more inviting environment. Skylight installation is a win-win scenario! Unfortunately, like many aspects of your home, skylights are not invincible, and can fail over time and necessitate skylight repair in Alaska. Continue reading to learn more about repair and what you can do to prevent skylight leaks and other issues from occurring. Signs... View Article

Five Creative Uses for Glass

July 25, 2017

For as long as it’s been around, craftsmen have used glass for standard practical purposes. On top of windows, it’s used for bottles, mirrors and doors. But recently, there’s been a movement to use glass for more creative purposes. People have realized that glass is a beautiful material and it should be employed more often, in place of more conventional materials. Our glass shop in Alaska is on the forefront of using glass for all sorts of creative reasons. Keep reading to learn more about what our professionals can do for you! Glass whiteboards: One of the newest trends in... View Article

When Is It Time for Glass Replacement in Alaska?

July 11, 2017

It doesn’t matter what your glass is used for—it’s not meant to last forever. After all, it is one of the more fragile materials used in homes and businesses! But do you know when it’s time for commercial or residential glass replacement in Alaska? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell. Follow these instructions to learn more about knowing when it’s time to invest in glass replacement: Your glass is broken: The number one sign that you need to hire one of our team members for glass replacement in Alaska is if any of the glass in your home or... View Article

Ready to Replace Your Glass? Here Are Five Questions to Ask Your Glass Contractor in Alaska

June 23, 2017

When you hire a contractor to install or replace shower doors and windows in your home, your goal is to hire someone who will get the job done right and leave you pleased with the results. You shouldn’t hire just anyone for the job, so it is important that you do your research to help you find the right contractor. Inquiring about the cost of the job, what materials will be used and looking into what past customers have to say can all help you choose the right contractor, but these aren’t the only things you should be worried about.... View Article

Tips for Cleaning Glass Shower Doors in Alaska

June 9, 2017

If you have invested in glass shower doors for your home’s bathroom, it is important for them to be kept in good condition. Like the floors, tables and countertops in your home, maintaining your shower doors means cleaning them on a regular basis. While some people have mastered the art of cleaning their shower doors, others may need a bit of help getting those crystal clear, streak-free doors that they once had. Here are a few helpful tips for cleaning your glass shower doors in Alaska: DIY glass cleaner: There are a lot of different glass cleaners that will get... View Article