Categories for Window Replacement

Everything You Need To Know About the Process of Window Replacement

September 2, 2022

Installing new replacement windows is extremely time-consuming and expensive. The window replacement installation process is only handled by homeowners maybe once or twice in their lifetime. It is normal to wonder or not remember what occurs during the process of replacing windows. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about replacing your windows. Replacing Windows Process The new window installation process is a long one. Here is a rundown of what you can expect. First Day If you do decide to take time off work or work from home, you should definitely do just that. If you decide... View Article

What Are Energy Efficient Windows?

June 3, 2022

Sustainability and energy efficiency are important parts of modern products, including your home. If your windows are getting old and need replacement, now is the perfect time to replace them with energy-efficient windows. The facts about energy efficient windows show that they keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and they can help reduce your energy expenses. In addition to being drafty older windows allow more outside air into your home, affecting the overall temperature. Finding the Right Windows With so many options, it can be a challenge to know what types of windows are energy... View Article

What to Look for When Investing in Replacement Windows

January 18, 2022

Need a replacement window or two for your home? It can be difficult to select replacement windows that will fit in perfectly with the rest of your home. Obviously, you want a window that will complement the other windows and architecture you have in your home. Beyond aesthetics, there are some key factors you’ll need to consider when making a new window investment. Here’s a quick look at three of the most critical features you should consider in your search. The reputation of your window manufacturers It’s understandable to be a bit overwhelmed by the process of buying a new... View Article

Is Investing in Replacement Windows Worth It?

January 4, 2022

One of the most common questions we receive about the financial aspect of window replacement is whether it’s worth it in the long run and if there are any financial benefits associated with taking the plunge and investing in replacement windows. In general, it’s probably best to consider your need for windows in terms of the structure of your home, but there are some financial benefits you may wish to consider as well. Here’s a quick look at what the investment in replacement windows will look like and the sort of return it can provide. A new window investment A... View Article

Should You Repair or Replace Your Broken Window?

September 15, 2021

Maybe it was your kid’s softball. Perhaps Mother Nature saw fit to hurl a tree branch through your front windows. Or perhaps the glass just succumbed to age and extreme temperatures. Whatever the reason, you’ve got a broken window. Should you have it repaired, or should you take the opportunity to replace it? There are two major factors in this decision: the cost, and whether the window can actually be repaired. Here’s an overview of window repair and replacement and what each option is likely to involve. What kind of windows do you have? If you have double- or triple-pane... View Article

Replacement Glass