Washing your windows is often one of the most tedious chores you have as a business owner. First off, there’s the fact that they get dirty quickly, so they need to be cleaned fairly frequently. Secondly, washing your windows is a pain because, if you don’t do it exactly right, they’ll look streaked, and you’ll have to clean them again. If you’re fed up with messy-looking windows and commercial doors in Alaska, keep reading! This post will teach you everything you need to know about keeping your glass nice and shiny throughout the year: Wash them properly: Professional window cleaners... View Article
In the world of business, first impressions are extremely important—not only how you carry yourself in front of people, but also the way your building looks from the outside to potential clients or customers. Maybe you own an older building and renovations are in order. Do your business doors look worse for wear, or do they not match the building? Here’s how installing new commercial doors in Alaska can improve your business building’s curb appeal. Give a good first impression On average, it takes only a few seconds for someone to decide whether they will stay on a webpage or... View Article
As a business owner, you are likely aware of the way that the appearance of your property can affect your employees and customers. The more polished and professional your business looks on the outside, the more likely it is for your employees to feel proud of where they work and for your potential customers to have a favorable opinion of your business. With this in mind, it’s important to keep up on regular maintenance and cleaning of your building features, including windows and commercial doors in Alaska. Regardless of the quality of your windows and doors, the accumulation of dirt... View Article
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. The legislation, which is still in effect today, ensures people with disabilities have the same access to public facilities and services that people without disabilities do. It lays out a number of different regulations to help owners of public properties ensure this accessibility, including guidelines for interior signage, stairwells, handrails and commercial doors, among many other elements. All owners of public properties must make sure their properties are fully ADA compliant, or else they are subject to various fines and penalties. Here are some of the guidelines for commercial... View Article
Anyone responsible for maintaining commercial doors in Alaska knows one thing for certain: winters here can be rough. Properly preparing your commercial doors and windows for the winter season can ensure that customers and employees alike have unfettered access to your commercial space. Working with a qualified company specializing in window replacement in Alaska is a great way to ensure that you and your place of business are both effectively ready for the next big cold snap. Door maintenance Keeping your doors operating smoothly throughout the year will ensure that both your employees and customers can safely and easily access... View Article